The immune system is an immensely complicated and intricate combination of many systemic and bodily functions. The immune system represents the totality of all the stunningly complex and interrelated living processes. Your immune system is what enables you to resist attacks from diseases and overcome infections. It is the primary essential requirement for survival since we are surrounded by viruses, bacteria, germs, parasites, and toxins.
Elements of the immune system penetrate all of the tissues and organs of the body, vigilantly defending against every manner of threat. The immune system integrates and manages all of the tissues and organs of the body with a kind of cellular intelligence controlled by innate cellular energy in the form of exquisitely sophisticated electrical and chemical communication systems. This dazzling communications system, which manages and orchestrates all of our many defenses, extends throughout the entire body and involves every cell of our body.
Old-fashioned thinking has led us to believe that one part of our body is separate from another and we even call them “body parts”. Modern science has verified that our body’s defenses against disease are not confined to any one organ or system of the body, but are distributed among specialized nerves, tissues and involve all the cells throughout the entire body.
The immune response has two general aspects: non-specific and specific immunity. The nonspecific immune response, also called the inflammatory response, is the body’s initial reaction to any kind of injury or threat, whether due to trauma, a foreign organism, a chemical toxin, or localized oxygen deprivation.
The specific immune response, which involves more specialized defenses against particular agents, itself has two branches. These are known as cell-mediated and molecular immunity. Cell-mediated immunity or, more simply, cellular immunity is conferred by special types of white blood cells which directly engulf and/or chemically destroy pathogens or abnormal body cells. These white blood cells are like field Generals in your army of defense.
Molecular immunity involves the action of antibodies that circulate in the blood. With the help of blood proteins, these antibodies bind offending cells and molecules to which they have been sensitized by prior exposure, thus aiding in their elimination.
So while we describe non-specific versus specific immunity, and cellular versus molecular immunity as if these were all independent processes, in reality they are intimately connected, coordinated, and often overlapping and constantly energetically communicating. From this point of view it is acknowledged that the whole is greater and infinitely more electric and energetic in its workings than the sum of its parts.